The SWRA RSES Auxiliary is comprised of chapters and members in Texas, New Mexico and Louisiana. Our membership is open to all RSES members, their spouses, family members and friends of RSES. Our motto is “Making Life Worthwhile”. Staying faithful to our motto, through the years the Auxiliary has supported a number of programs and charities, most notably the Ronald McDonald House and various children’s reading and book programs.Click HERE for more information and photos from recent projects. The Auxiliary plays an integral role in the planning and hosting of the SWRA Annual Conferences. We provide many of the “behind the scene” necessities that help make our Conferences such a success. As well many local chapters provide refreshments for the monthly RSES Educational meetings.
Joining the Auxiliary requires an application and payment of a minimal annual due. Please contact any Regional Officer for more information. Click HERE to view a list of our past Presidents. To view our photo gallery from the Conference in Round Rock, click here.
Jill Malone
DirectorJerry Clark, CM
Lynne Sharp
Pat McCarthy
Michelle Pool
Wade Clark
Andrea Rabel